"Habbo Raper" is a special program aimed toward those who enjoy the "raids".
"Habbo Raper" is a special program aimed toward those who enjoy the "raids" that are always taking place over at the Habbo Hotel.
"Habbo Raper" features an array of functions such as singular strings of text, which can be repeated over and over for spamming purposes, a scrolling function, which allows for multiple lists of files to be scrolled through and sent to the chatroom (every key press sends a new line of text), and a random function, which allows random lines of text to be sent and a special "Lamerizer" setting, which dissects a username into singular characters, and then insults them based on their choices. It's reminiscent of the classic AOScene days when "progz" were the thing to do, and before Methodus2000 arrived to put an end to it all.